Friday, February 26, 2016

Jehovah's witnesses versus the Biblical Jesus

Jehovah's witnesses Versus the Biblical Jesus is the fourth book in the "Leaving the Watchtower" series, written by Bishop Johnson. In this book we explore what the Church has believed about Jesus Christ, since its inception -- and in contrast with what Jehovah's witnesses teach about Him. By the grace of God, some of the issues about the deity of Christ have been settled by our ancient Church Fathers; and explored in depth by great Christian leaders and teachers, ever since. We re-open this conversation, though settled, for the sake of the thousands who are presently coming to terms with the Watchtower society's beliefs; and are seeking to understand what the Bible really says about Jesus Christ. Buy at Amazon, Kindle, and other fine booksellers.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Keeping the Faith: From Kingdom Hall to Kingdom Call Volume 2

This book is a sequel to my semi-autobiographical work, entitled From Kingdom Hall to Kingdom Call. In the first book I talked about my experiences growing up in the Jehovah’s witness religion, and attending meetings at the Kingdom Hall. Volume Two – Keeping the Faith – is the story of what happened next, and of what has happened over more than four decades, since leaving the Jehovah’s witnesses behind, and becoming a Christian.

From preaching my initial sermon, in 1975; to embracing Pentecostalism; to Consecration into the sacred office of the Episcopacy, and ministry in the underground House Church movement, in the Peoples Republic of China, leaving the Watchtower was the beginning of a very fulfilling journey of faith.

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Thursday, February 11, 2016

The Sojourners' Story: Conquering Your Jericho

The Sojourners' Story begins when an obscure Bedouin shepherd left his tent with his son and a pile of wood, and climbed up the hill of destiny: an inauspicious place that carved out of time a shift in your destiny, and my destiny, and the destiny of every man, woman, boy, and girl; in every generation that followed. It begins with the promises and covenants God makes to that shepherd and his descendants to anoint them as the bloodline through whom the Savior of the world would come; and to give his seed a homeland that would prevail and persist as theirs through all subsequent generations, even down to this present day.. its promises, and God's faithfulness to them, foreshadow everything that we hope for in the promises that He has made to us; and connects our sojourn through this world with that of God's people in every generation.

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The Challenge of Christianity in China

Christianity has always been a minority religion in China. It is the second of three big world religions to come to China from the outside. It arrived -- after Buddhism and before Islam; and has progressed through about five well-defined eras, during which Chinese became Christians, and then went underground, or were driven out, or killed. As Chinese society struggled in turmoil at the turn of the twentieth century, Sun Yat-sen, an overseas Chinese Christian, rose to lead a revolution that gave birth to the Republic of China. The once unthinkable — that a Chinese leader would be a Christian — became a reality. Moreover, China’s next leader, Chiang Kai-shek, turned to Christianity in order to marry the future Madame Chiang Kai-shek. But when the Communists came to power they put forth great effort to eradicate Christianity as the religion of the Imperialists; and in 1954 established the Three Self Patriotic Movement with its three principles of 'self-governance, self-support, and self-propagation' . This is the story of the challenges Chinese Christians have had to face, in order to maintain their faith.

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The Adjutant's Manual

Serving the Men and Women of God in Today's Church

This book is intended for the sacred garrison of anointed men and women of God assigned to protect and to serve the leadership of Body of Christ. There are many general references that offer explanations and advice on what Adjutants should do, and how to be an Adjutant; in fact the magnum opus of our craft is found in a book called God’s Armorbearer,1 by Elder Terry Nance In historic times knights were military operatives who were appointed to the service of monarchs and other high-ranking nobles. In our time the Adjutancy serves the highest-ranking leadership of the Church. Over the course of these pages, we have attempted to convey an image of the Adjutancy that reinforces this idea of Christian knighthood.

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A Compendium of the Episcopacy

An Episcopal Catechism for Pentecostal and Apostolic Clergy

A Compendium of the Episcopacy is not simply another book about the bishopric. It is, instead, a handbook offering a concise set of information that can be useful for training men and women aspiring to the “fine work” of the episcopacy – and those already serving in this fine work – regarding the history, rituals, vestments, and protocols pertinent to this anointed office. The Compendium gives an exploratory account of the development of the episcopacy, from the time it was first transmitted to the early successrs to the Apostles. It pinpoints the places where the various streams of Apostolic Succession began; and answers the pertinent questions as to where the numerous streams of Succession have an impact upon the episcopacy, within Apostolic and Pentecostal community. Furthermore, it points to historical events in the history of the Church that bear upon Pentecostal Faith and Practice, today. As with any handbook of this sort, the aim of the Compendium is also to familiarize the episcopal candidate, as well as the apprentice bishop, with the rituals that pertain to our office; but at a far broader than usual scope. That includes a careful look at the history of the Pentecostal and Apostolic Faith. As intellectually competent clergy we are called upon to be sure that we are well enough informed about our spiritual heritage as we can be. By seeking out historic truths for ourselves, we won't need to follow every new trend that comes along in ministry; and won't participate in useless arguments – especially with individuals who won't give due diligence to the cause of learning; and/or who are so stuck in ignorance that they refuse to listen to reasoned arguments supported by scholarship.

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The Apple Doesn't Fall Far From the Tree

Watchtower Doctrines Inherited From Charles Taze Russell and Certain Other Adventists (Leaving the Watchtower)

Since the time of Charles Taze Russell the publications of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society – the parent organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses – have stated publicly that they believe their understanding of God’s Word to superior to the understanding of any and all other religious groups. Russell, and subsequently the witnesses have consistently alleged that their superior prophetic insight derives from direct divine revelation from Jehovah God. In their view, Jehovah communicates exclusively with the small remnant of older Witnesses – known collectively as the Faithful and Discreet Slave (class), of Matthew 24:45. In The Apple Doesn't Fall Far From the Tree, Bishop Johnson – a former Jehovah's witness of twenty-three years – argues that the Society's doctrines are NOT the product of divine revelation, but are consistent with similar doctrines taught by other Adventist groups, and might have actually been borrowed from Adventist sources known to Russell.

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From Kingdom Hall to Kingdom Call

This book is the story of a man who was raised in one of the world's largest and best-known hetero-doxical religions; and walked away to become a minister in the Baptist Church. Bishop Johnson's mother became a Jehovah's witness when he was six months old, so growing up Watchtower doctrine was all he knew. He left the Jehovah's witnesses at the age of twenty-three; and his younger sister left as well, three years later.

Watchtower doctrine mandates that all Jehovah's witnesses in good standing must shun anyone who either leaves the organization, or is cast out – even members of one's own family. In the first chapter Bishop Johnson's story begins with a tribute to his late mother; who refused to alienate her children, and probably came under harsh scrutiny as a result. In the book he tells the reader about the Society's controversial disciplinary policy, called “Disfellowshiping;” while at the same time giving the reader a whimsical look at life in the Kingdom Hall he attended for most of his childhood.

Bishop Johnson wrote From Kingdom Hall to Kingdom Call to be an inspiration and offer words of encouragement to Jehovah's witnesses; ex-Jehovah's witnesses; student Jehovah's witnesses; and all other seekers to 'The Truth.' As his story draws to a close, he writes: “You might not remember more than half the stories I have told you in this book: a lot of what I have told you has absolutely nothing to do with the 'end story;' but if you take nothing else away from my story, please let it be the deliberateleness by which the Holy Spirit moves us into the path of our destiny, if we are willing to let Him – if we don't try to push back against the tailwind.”

Available from Amazon, Kindle, Google Books, and other fine booksellers

Second Best -- But Not Second Rate

Biblical Eldership and How to Be the Best Assistant In Ministry

This book encapsulates the seminal work Bishop Johnson first presented to the School of Ministry for the Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship in July 1995. The content has been revised, so as to impart to the leaders of the 21st century church; particularly pastors and elders; territorial overseers; auxiliary leaders; bishops; apostles; and prophets.

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This is the home blog of the GlobalDestiny Imprint, the online warehouse catalog for all of my books, papers, articles, and other intellectual properties. This page makes them easy for you to find; and easy for me to promote.

About the Author

Over the years God has birthed FIFTEEN books in me. Many of them have sat dormant, waiting for **ME!!** In the fall of 2013 God sent a prophetic word that he is releasing me to finish six of them for publication, over the course of this spring.

Last month the second book was published, telling the story of my transition from my youth as a Jehovah's witness to my nearly-forty-year journey into my Anointing and Calling. Some of you need the encouragement to know that God's path to your destiny may not always be the obvious path; but don't resist the tailwind – it's taking you somewhere!

TO ANYONE PURSUING A DREAM: I started this second book on paper in ***1990*** and still had to fix some typos, before it could go to print. The first book to get published was an enhancement of a class I taught, way back in 1995. The proverbial moral of the story is this: just because it seems that your dream is a long way off, don't give up. The Israelites had to wait on God's promise of their homeland for 430 years; but that was right on time! Your destiny will come because God PROMISED it to you, so don't you dare give up!

Giving GOD the glory!

God permitted me to publish five of my anticipated titles in 2014 – the last one on December 31, 2014 -- and two , in 2015. Through it all I have been grateful for all that God has given me, over more than forty years in ministry; and for Him positioning me to be ale to finally give back, by way of impartation.

Just to be clear, I didn't write all of these books, "from scratch". In fact I started two of them more than twenty-five years ago, respectively; and a third one almost ten years ago. It was just the time when He helped me to finish writing them.

I hope you will find something for your own personal library, in what God has blessed me to write. Keep in touch with this blog, throughout 2016, as I am on track to publish 5 more new titles, this year. Please honor me by taking a few minutes, now, to visit the Intro Pages for each of my currently-published titles. Drop by the GlobalDestiny website; and drop me a line, or shout out on Facebook, to let me know what you think.

In His matchless Name

Keep the Faith